
“And now she proceeds to pose she is mentally capable.” The werewolf tutted audibly as he placed his hands behind his back. “It matters not whether you dote books —— if you do not comprehend them, or have the brain to, then it is useless.” He paused for a moment, feigning concern. “Oh, and do tell me if I am speaking too fast.”


"I don’t need to prove myself to you.” Klaire replied concentrating on her books “Waste of time considering how stubborn you are. I understand my books and I don’t need your… concern thank you.”


“After my pare-parents ——” Tristan choked on the word and with a nervous shuffle of his feet, he continued nonchalantly. “After they pa-passed, books became my sole companion. Sometimes I love them more than hu-humans.” A chuckle escaped his lips —— it felt good to laugh after a long time.


"They are much friendlier than humans, and easier to deal with.” Klaire said with a slightly sad smile, she was sad to hear that his parents had died but didn’t want to broach the subject too much.