
Matt stopped his hand gripping the edge of the sink when he heard Klarity’s voice, relaxing when she took his hands. Rubbing his now dry hands together, he bit his lip for a moment staring down at them before looking back up at Klaire. “Thank you,” he said quietly, taking in a shaky breath.

Klaire stared at the vampire reassuringly “Any time. You need me to do anything else?”


Matt couldn’t remember anything that had happened while he’d been possessed by the demon except that now he felt sick and his hands were covered in blood. It hadn’t been too difficult to imagine what had happened, rushing to the nearest bathroom to wash his hands. “ I need to get this off my hands,” he muttered to himself as he scrubbed at his skin. 

“Matt? Hey, it’s okay.” Klaire approached the vampire slowly so he could back away at any time if he needed to. She took his hands in her and gently washed away the blood, washing one hand at a time. Once they were both clean Klaire dried them before letting go. “There, all gone now”