
Stasey nodded slowly. “ Alright give it another go. Relax, just breathe. Maybe a gun isn’t your thing? What about throwing knives?”


“Chakrams are more my thing honestly but one of the alphas, Artemis has been showing me how to use these” Klaire smiled lifting the gun up for a second. “It’s taking a bit of practising.”


“Ahh, warlock. I see,” he said, nodding, his eyebrows furrowed as he studied the the marks on her arms, “You know, the different marks each warlock has never cease to impress me. They’re simply fascinating.”


“Yep.” Klaire smiled at the mundane, her arms falling to her side. “It is amazing just how many different ones there are. They can be a bit of a pain to explain at times.” 


“You’ve got your stance right. Just….relax your shoulders a bit. Don’t clench up.” Guns weren’t really her forte, she much preferred the sword strapped to her waist, but she knew how to use them if she needed. “Go ahead, shoot.”


Klaire nodded, doing as the shadowhunter had said before taking the shot. The noise of the fun surprise the warlock slightly putting her aim off, the bullet clipping the edge of the target. “Well it could have been worse.”