
Clarissa studied the cards for a moment before pulling out a card, slowly turning I around before smirking to herself. “The wheel of fortune, reversed. Suggests that I should reflect and looking into myself, recognize my wrong doings. I’ll have to evaluate some relationships and consider the benefit of news one. In essence, change is happening but slowly.”


“How ironic.” Klaire said with a small smile “But it seems like a relatively tame card, am I right?”


I think everything about my lifestyle is fairly alternative. I gather my own spring water from mountains every month. I go to a farm to get my food. I make everything from my own toothpaste to my own body lotions and face oils. I could go on for hours. I make my own medicines; I don’t get those from doctors. I make my own cheese and forage wild foods and identify wild plants. It’s an entire lifestyle. It’s appealing to my soul.


“I love challenges in life. And the rejection actually…sort of, similar to Tris, it, like, fueled me. You get told  ‘no’ five hundred times and you get one ‘yes’ and then with that one ‘yes’ – you end up getting cut from the movie and so that ‘yes’ wasn’t even an ‘yes’ or nobody ends up seeing it or what not. So, I think that rejection’s something that maybe a lot of people wouldn’t enjoy, but I enjoyed it – weirdly enough.”

Shailene Woodley